Parking Policy

SUMMARY STATEMENT: Pursuant to the Westpark Governing Documents, the Board of Directors has adopted the following Rules for vehicles operated and/or parked within the Westpark complex. These Rules shall supplement (and include) restrictions identified within the CC&Rs. If a conflict between these Rules and the CC&R’s should ever exist, the CC&R’s shall govern/prevail only to the extent to which such conflict exists.

VEHICLE TOWING & FINE STATEMENT: The Association’s security/parking patrol contractor (if any), Board members, and the Association’s Management Company will hold the Board of Directors’ ongoing authority to tow any vehicle (at vehicle owner’s sole expense) that is found to be in violation of the following Rules, and/or to levy fines pursuant to the applicable Westpark Schedule of Violation Fines. Vehicle owners shall solely bear any and all expense associated with retrieving a towed vehicle. Further, the Association shall bear no responsibility for damages associated with a vehicle tow incident. A vehicle owner may request to address the Board at a hearing regarding enforcement of these Rules. As a result of such hearing, the Board shall solely determine and convey their decision, which shall be deemed final. NOTE: Association receives no revenue from vehicle towing.

For the purposes of these Rules, “Resident Parking Spaces” shall refer to the parking spaces within the gated area of the Westpark complex and “Visitor Parking Area” shall refer to the parking spaces within Westpark property but outside of the gated/secured area of the complex.


  • Vehicles parked in any Resident Parking Space (within gated area of complex) at any time must have a resident permit (sticker) applied to windshield on lower corner of driver’s side. Resident permits are available from the Management Company for up to three vehicles per unit.
  • Resident Parking Spaces are “first come, first served” and cannot be held or reserved in any way.
  • No vehicles may be parked in the space in front of any garage/driveway, except for loading, unloading, or car washing purposes.
  • No vehicle parked in any Resident Parking Space (including parallel parking area along south fence of Westpark) shall be in the same space for more than 72 consecutive hours. If a resident needs to leave a vehicle parked for longer than 72 hours without moving it, the vehicle should be parked within the resident’s garage or outside of Westpark property.
  • No vehicle may be parked in the red zone or any other designated no-parking zone. Vehicles parked in a no-parking zone are subject to immediate tow. Emergency vehicles need larger clearances than passenger vehicles and as such, parking in a red zone creates a safety hazard.
  • Any vehicle being washed on Westpark grounds must have a resident permit.


  • All spaces designated as Visitor Parking are strictly for use by visitors/guests, except for the following provision: Residents may park in the Visitor Parking Area on Westpark property outside of the gated area of the complex between the hours of 7:00pm and 7:00am Monday through Friday, and between the hours of 7:00pm to 9:00am on weekends. Residents may not park in the Visitor Parking Area on Westpark property outside of the gated area of the complex at any times other than those indicated in the previous sentence.
  • Visitor Parking Spaces are “first come, first served” and cannot be held or reserved in any way.
  • Vehicles parked in Visitor Parking Area between the hours of 10pm and 6am for any length of time greater than 5 minutes must display a Westpark Visitor Parking Placard on the dashboard or hanging from the rearview mirror.
  • Visitors may park in a Visitor space for up to 24 consecutive hours. Any vehicle left in a Visitor space for longer than 24 hours is subject to tow, even if the vehicle is displaying a Westpark Visitor Placard.
  • Two Visitor Parking Placards are issued to each Owner. For non-owner-occupied units, the owner is expected to provide the tenant the Visitor Parking Placards. Replacement placards are ordered by the unit owner (not tenant) through the Management Company, and a small charge to Owner will apply to cover the Association’s related costs.


  • No vehicle shall be parked in a way that blocks or interferes with the passage of other vehicles, residents or their visitors. Any vehicle blocking passage is subject to immediate tow.
  • Any vehicle parked within Westpark is limited to being a standard passenger motor vehicle.
  • Recreational vehicles or commercial vehicles may not be parked within Westpark. This includes, but is not limited to motor homes, boats, trailers, campers, camper vans, work vans with commercial plates, off road vehicles, go-carts, vehicles with over-sized tires, etc. Trucks or vehicles used for business may not display any signs or advertising because they are then considered commercial use vehicles. A vehicle belonging to a service provider that is on-site to conduct work within the complex or individual unit is acceptable provided it is parked in a way that does not obstruct traffic flow (e.g. a Comcast van or an electrician’s van parked directly behind a resident’s garage while at the property to make a repair).
  • Inoperable vehicles, dilapidated vehicles, vehicles under repair, or stored/unused vehicles, may not be parked within the Westpark property. However, minor short term emergency repairs such as tire changes or battery replacements are permitted. Unattended vehicles are not to be left on jacks or blocks at any time.
  • Vehicles without proper current registration may not be operated or parked within Westpark. Unless a vehicle is recently purchased and has dealer plates with temporary registration, a vehicle parked within Westpark must have valid CA passenger vehicle plates ( or valid out of state plates affixed/mounted properly to vehicle. Vehicles with commercial motor vehicle plates are not to be parked within the complex.
  • Driving or parking upon any unpaved surface and other non-designated parking areas is prohibited.
  • The maximum speed limit is 5 MPH. Everyone who enters Westpark is expected to drive safely.
  • Every person that enters Westpark may not play their vehicle’s stereo at a volume that is a disturbance to others. Turn down music when you enter the Community. Residents or guests may not sit in their vehicle playing music loudly for others to hear.
  • The Association is not responsible for any loss or damages to vehicles parked on Westpark property. It is advisable to lock vehicles and remove all valuables when a vehicle is unattended.
  • Vehicles that violate any of the above stated Rules are subject to fines and/or tow at the vehicle owner’s sole expense. Further it is the sole responsibility of the unit owners to ensure that their tenants, occupants, and visitors all abide by these Rules.